
Paper bag manufacturing
in Riga, Latvia

Quantity between 50 and 100000 pcs

Wide range of sizes

Handles from paper or fabric

Sending free samples

Quantity between 50 and 100000 pcs

Wide range of sizes

Handles from paper or fabric

Sending free samples

Fill out an application and get samples of bags for free!

    In what way and what kind of bags
    do we produce?

    Craft paper “ECO”
    bags in small editions
    (50-500 per piece)

    Working stages:
    1) Development and coordination of the design
    2) Printing and ready-to-use bag press technology*

    *for the harmonisation there is needed print color number

    Craft paper “ECO" bags in medium-sized editions
    (1000-20000 pieces)

    Working stages:
    1) Development and coordination of the design
    2) Paper printing sheet in offset
    3) Bag forming and gluing in special production line*

    *possible full-color printing

    Craft paper “ECO" bags in large editions
    (20000 and more pieces)

    Working stages:
    1) Development and coordination of the design
    2) printing on the paper roll with flexographic technology
    3) Bag forming and gluing in special production line*

    *for the harmonisation there is needed print color number

    Laminated woven bags with handles
    (100-10000 gab.)

    Working stages:
    1) Development and coordination of the design
    2) paper sheet printing in offset
    3) paper sheet lamination
    4) paper sheet lamination and string locking (a hand job)

    *possible full-color printing

    Why exactly paper bags?

    A modern example of thinking

    Nature-friendly packaging

    A great advertising medium
    A modern example of thinking
    Nature-friendly packaging
    A great advertising medium

    What bag is for you necessary?

    For the most suitable offer, please fill in the below sections:

      The preferred size


      Printing type Full color (photo)Single color

      Your name:

      Your e-mail address:

      Your phone number:

      Street address:

      Kraft handles

      We use the twisted handles to make paper bags. The twisted handles are made of the same kraft paper from which the bags are made. The twisted handles can be in many colors.

      Kraft paper

      Kraft paper is produced from wood, however the Kraft process (Kraft in German means strength) is different from normal paper production. Cellulose fibre sulphate process meets longer and stronger. Consequently, the paper is denser and its strength is greater than that of normal uncoated paper of similar weight. Kraft paper is in brown color, but a bleached Kraft paper is also widely used.

      Why exactly to entrust bag
      production to us?

      High quality standards

      From procurement of raw materials and ending with the after-treatment process there are complied high quality standards. In the manufacturing process is tested almost every bag.

      Local output

      Production lines ar in the company’s premises. It allows to control all manufacturing process.

      Optimized costs of final product

      As in the manufacturing process there is involved minimal human handwork, the costs of the unit are very low.

      Proper technology

      Producing bags with their intended automated equipment, the result is predictable and the impact of unforeseen events has been reduced.

      Competent specialists

      our equipment is served by specialists, who have passed necessary training. It makes processes to run smoothly.

      Short deadlines

      Our manufacturing capacity is to 10000 manufactured paper bags a day.

      Paper bags or plastic bags?

      Paper bags

      Plastic bags

      Papīru maisu ražošana

      NRJ reklāmai ir Latvijā pirmais uzņēmums, kas iegādājās divas automātisko papīra maisiņu izgatavošanas iekārtas. Abas iekārtas ļauj izgatavot papīra maisiņus automātiskā režīmā, ievietojot iekārtā papīra loksni un pēc brīža jau saņemot gatavu papīra maisiņu.

      Zinot, ka plastmasas maisiņi ļoti kaitē planētas ekoloģijai, ļoti svarīgi uzņēmumiem, kas agrāk izmantoja plastmasas maisiņus, pāriet uz papīra maisiņiem, kas ir dabai draudzīgs produkts. Pasūtot papīra maisiņus, Jūs iegūsiet produktu, kas sadalās dabā ātri un neizdalot kaitīgus vielas. Pasūtot papīra maisus savam uzņēmumam, Jūs demonstrēsiet uzņēmuma atbildību pret pasaules ekoloģiju.
      Papīra maisiņiem, kas ražoti uz mūsu papīra maisiņu ražošanas līnijas, arī rokturi ir no papīra. Mēs piedāvājam vītos papīra rokturus, kas pieejami dažādās krāsās.

      Visā pasaulē jau pieņemti daudzi normatīvie akti plastmasas masiņu patēriņa samazināšanai. Dažās valstīs, tādās kā Gruzija, plastmasas iepakojums ir aizliegts. Ķīnā plastmasas iepakojums būs aizliegts no 2025.gada. Latvijā noteikts aizliegums piedāvāt klientiem plastmasas maisiņus bez maksas. Ļoti iespējams, ka šie nav pēdējie aizliegumi plastmasas maisiņu patēriņa samazināšanai. Viss minētais vēl vairāk palielina nepieciešamību pēc papīra maisiņiem.

      Papīra maisiņus var izmantot ne tikai preces iepakošanā, bet papīra maisiņi ļauj skaisti iesaiņot arī dāvanas. Papīru maisiņu var izmatot dokumentu pārnēsāšanai. Mēs piedāvājam papīra maisiņu apdrukāt ar jebkuru krāsainu attēlu, tai skaitā ir iespējams uz papīra maisiņa izvietot sava produkta vai pakalpojuma reklāmu.

      Ražojot papīra maisiņus ar mūsu iekārtām ražošanas laiks ir īss. Atkarībā no dizaina, papīra maisiņus ir iespējams saražot pat pāris dienu laikā.
      Mēs piedāvājam papīra maisiņus sešos, pašos populārākajos izmēros.
      Mēs ražojam papīra maisiņus uz speciāla, izturīga balta vai brūna krafta papīra, kas ļauj garantēt nestspēju līdz 10kg.
      Ražojot maisiņus mēs izmatojam līmi uz ūdens bāzes, kas ražota no dabai draudzīgām izejvielām un sadaloties papīra maisiņam dabā, nekaitē apkārtējai videi.

      Mūsu interneta veikalā www.ekomaisi.lv/shop/ piedāvājam iegādāties gatavus papīra maisiņus ar populāriem, Latvijai tematikai atbilstošiem dizainiem.
      Priecāsimies, ja pasūtīsiet pie mums papīra maisiņus. Par jebkuru jautājumu, kas Jums rodas saistībā ar papīra maisiņiem, lūdzu rakstiet mums vai zvaniet. Būsim priecīgi atbildēt.

      Ar cieņu,
      “NRJ reklāmai” direktors Armands Greiškāns


      “We cooperate with NRJ many years already , we are completely satisfied with the quality of the service and with secular delivery as well"
      Anda Bukonte
      Maxima Latvija
      "The quality of these bags and the printing done on them is outshined only by the superb service provided from NRJ-staff. Production- and lead time is among the best we have experienced"
      Patrick Verkland
      The Humble Co. Sweden
      “Welcoming and understanding people. They will listen to you and create a solution even in a situation when consignment should have been yesterday already. In addition, without the loss of quality."
      Dace Zitmane
      Seesam Insurance AS
      “With NRJ I cooperate already 10 years. In this 10 years time I am satisfied that NRJ is trustworthy cooperation partner in print jobs. In my opinion NRJ is one of the most outstanding client services which in cooperation with the Latvian printing I have encountered. Ordering prints at NRJ I have a calm heart both for work on deadlines and for print quality.I very much appreciate the fact that before work performance they always check the print file and always compare with the submitted design. What I greatly appreciate is that before every job is done, they always check the print file and compare it with the design they submitted, often eliminating errors made by the mapper, particularly in difficult print jobs. In addition, they always recommend the best materials and printing techniques that should be printed. And of course as a point to I are print prices, as a point to I are the print prices, which I have proven are one of the most democratic in the market. As an example I can mention are Inbox corporative bags, which price even at a small volume, was more than friendly comparing with that of other typography."
      Lana Vasiļjeva

      Frequently asked questions

      Only paper, water-based glue and certified colour are used in the manufacture of a paper bag with a twisted paper handle
      Paper is one of the materials that decomposes most quickly in nature. Paper bags can be used in recycling.
      Paper bag can withstand a weight up to 10 kg
      The design can be made by the customer himself by aligning the dimensions and technical requirements with us in advance.
      The time of bag creating depends on technology and bag handling. It can range from 3 days to 5 weeks.
      We check the quality of each produced bag.. In case if the customer will find a lack of quality, it will either be rectified quickly or the order will be made at our expense.
      The paper, which is used in the manufacture of bags, has food certificate and there can be food stored.
      Both post-pay and prepayment are available, we agree on that on an individual basis.
      For free samples, please fill in one of the application forms and specify the address to which you want to receive free samples in the comment box.
      We deliver in Riga if an order is above 100 EUR. In other cases, please state your address in an inquiry, and we will calculate the extra costs.

      Where to find us

      reg. No. 40103461844
      Starta Street 4a
      Riga, LV-1026, Latvia

      Salidzini.lv logotips

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